Engage Students with E-Tools from Flippity

I love when I find free interactive websites I can use in my classroom. Integrating technology not only saves you paper and time, it also engages students and builds 21st century skills. Flippity.net is a really cool website with different tools for teachers. You don’t even need to sign up for an account! Spinner This tool is called “random name…

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Taking Your Rubrics to the Next Level

In my first post about rubrics I defined what a rubric is and the parts of a rubric. Assuming you now know the basics, I’m going to talk about how to make your rubric even better. Here are some common problems people have when they first start developing rubrics: I have a student who falls between two boxes on the…

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Communicating with Parents from School

Having open and regular communication with parents is so important. Teachers should communicate often to parents regarding events in the school, student’s academic progress and their behavior progress. This post focusing more on ways you can communicate with parents about student behavior. If you haven’t read my post on my favorite classroom management systems, check it out by clicking the…

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Google calendar

6 Google Calendar Organization Hacks for School Principals

Principals often struggle with how to organize all the tasks and meetings they have in a typical day. It can easily be overwhelming. So, I want to share with you six calendar hacks I’ve learned that have helped me. If you’re not very familiar with Google Calendar or would like a refresher on the basics, check out this video from…

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7 Tips to Get Organized and Save Time

Time!! There never seems to be enough of it. No matter what you teach or how long you’ve taught, there’s always the need for more time . Over the years I’ve discovered several ways of organizing myself and my materials that create much more efficiency and ultimately SAVE ME TIME. I’ve compiled my top seven time saving tips below. 1.…

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Keys to Supporting Teacher Growth and Development

I’ve spent almost two decades working in education and various types of schools. I was a teacher and now I train teachers. I’ve seen schools where teachers are growing rapidly, transforming their teaching methods and student learning. I’ve also seen schools where teachers are stagnant and complacent. What makes the difference? Why do teachers grow in some environments and not…

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How to Plan for Inquiry-Based Learning

In simple form, inquiry-based learning is more of a student-directed way of learning rather than teacher-directed. In some cases, teachers may set the general framework for learning, but for the most part, the learning is based on the students questions, ideas and passions. But how do you provoke those questions in the first place? Inquiry-based learning still requires preparation from…

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Promote Teacher’s Growth with Instructional Rounds

When I first introduced Instructional Rounds at my school, teachers had never heard of them. I needed to break down what they are and what they aren’t. It’s not an opportunity for one teacher to observe and evaluate another. Instead, the teachers participating are trying to see what strengths another teacher has that they can grab and implement in their…

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Teacher standing infront of classroom

Ways to Support Teachers Coming Back to School

As we start off another school year here are a few tips to help new teachers (and returning ones) feel supported and prepared. Make Expectations and Procedures Really Clear Just like our students need reminders on procedures and expectations every time they return from a break, teachers also need a reminder. Make sure that you clearly establish these at the…

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Students working in a group

Making Group Work More Effective In the Classroom

We’ve all given those group assignments and at the end you know that one or two of the group members ended up doing all the work while the other 1 or 2 group members just messed around. Group work can be a great way for students to work together, learn to communicate and support each other in learning. However, this…

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