All Things Halloween!

With Halloween coming up students can’t help but feel excited and a bit distracted. Rather than trying to fight them why not embrace the holiday for a few days and try some of these great activities in your classroom. 1. Build a spooky Halloween Town It’s a great Stem activity that also encourages teamwork and a positive classroom culture. You…

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Why Teachers Need to Take Care of Themselves

Why is it so hard for teachers to take a break? There’s a teacher in my school now who recently hasn’t been eating or sleeping because all she does it work. She gives up her weekend and time with her boyfriend, to work. Some teachers might look and say:  “well, that’s just part of the job”. But, I reject that…

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Great Hands-On Literacy Centers for ESL Students

Writing/Literacy centers are pretty common in mainstream American classrooms but how about for ESL students? Hands-on activities are still very helpful and possible for students just beginning to learn English. I just finished introducing all the letter sounds with my students. And we are working on putting those sounds together to form 3 letter words. I do centers in my…

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Easy Ways To Assess During a Lesson

We all know that it’s important to assess students. Assessment shouldn’t just come at the end of the unit or topic thought. Ongoing assessment, or formative assessment, should take place throughout the unit. Each day I like to do a quick and simple assessment on my specific objective of that day. I use the results to help me plan for…

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Great ideas to incorporate Harry Potter into your curriculum

Great Lessons to Implement Harry Potter into Your Class!

October is one of my favorite months as a teacher! There are just sooooo many different themes you can integrate with your learning objectives. A few that I have done are: Human body- bones, brain, blood, muscles etc. This is the perfect month to learn about those things and students will think its cool and gross. Bats/Spiders Harry Potter Pumpkins…

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How to find a job overseas

How To Find A Job Teaching Abroad

A lot of people are interested in the idea of traveling and living overseas for a period of time. I have to say, being a teacher is one of the EASIEST ways to live and work overseas! I have taught in Africa for 6 years and now I’m about to move to China to teach. So what are your options…

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Easy Ways To Document Student Behavior

Why do you need to document behavior? Most school districts now require teachers to document student behavior in some way. Regardless of whether or not you’re school requires this, teachers should be documenting repeating behaviors. First of all,  these documents are helpful to use when meeting with parents. It’s something physical you can show them and they can’t deny what…

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How To Simplify Your Workload!

I recently had someone ask me “So, how many hours a week do you work?” Boy was that hard to quantify! People who don’t have a teacher in their life often say things such as “Wow, you’re so lucky to have the whole summer off” or “Must be nice being able to go home at 3:30 or 4 everyday”. Most…

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7 Tools You Need To Organize Your Classroom

Top 7 Tools You Need To Organize Your Classroom

With all the organization tips, tricks and freebies out there, what is it that you actually NEED?! For those of you about to start your first year teaching or just trying to set things up so things go better than last year, I’m here to give you my top 7 must have tools to organize your class. 1. Student Mailboxes…

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Book Review: “Switch” by Chip and Dan Heath

I was intrigued from cover to cover by Chip and Dan Heath’s book. It is fantastic! The book identifies two parts of every individual. That is the logical, analytical “Rider” and the emotional “Elephant”. You must speak to both parts of the individual if you want to bring change. The Rider brings direction and focus. Without the Rider the Elephant will…

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