The Number One Thing You Should Implement Next School Year

Every year teachers spend the summer thinking through all the new things they want to implement in their classroom. You might dream of changing the way you do centers, implementing flexible seating or changing the way you collect papers. However, if you aren’t doing this one thing…. you should be! Keeping yourself organized is one of the most important things…

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How To Develop Yourself Into a Better Teacher

Teachers have an innate desire to learn and grow. We are always poking around on the internet for new ideas to use in our teaching. Pinterest has become some teachers closest friend. But, how do you really become a better a teacher? In most other professions employees regularly see other’s work, have their work reviewed and collaborate in teams with others…

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When You Think You Aren’t Making a Difference

From the time I was a little girl I loved playing school with my younger sister and her friends. I was always the teacher. My favorite part was  grading their work with my red pen! Years later, 7 years of full-time classroom experience under my belt, and I have to admit I have had numerous days where I asked myself…

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