Why You Should Stop Grouping Students By Ability

I’m a firm believer in group work. It is a highly effective learning strategy when done correctly. In addition to supporting students academically, it also builds students’ social skills, problem-solving skills and a strong classroom culture around accepting and valuing everyone. However, I often see teachers grouping their students the same way every time. Whether they group them by ability…

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diverse group of students in a classroom

Three Effective Strategies for Supporting Diverse Learners

In today’s classrooms, diversity is the norm rather than the exception. As educators, it’s our responsibility to create inclusive environments that cater to the varied needs of all students. Here are three effective strategies to support diverse learners: 1. Differentiated Instruction Differentiated instruction is a teaching approach that tailors learning experiences to meet individual student needs. By varying content, process,…

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The Number One Organizational Tip for School Administrators

How many times have you struggled to find a particular document you need? Having to search through your digital folders or scroll back through old emails. The alternative that many people use is having a bazillion tabs open on their computer browser. The tabs are then so small that you can’t even tell which tab is for what website or…

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Teacher smiling in her classroom

5 Time-Saving Tips Every Teacher Should Know

Teaching is a rewarding yet demanding profession, and managing your time effectively is crucial to maintaining a healthy work-life balance and ensuring you can deliver the best education possible. With lesson planning, grading, meetings, and student interactions, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. If you’re looking for ways to streamline your workload and reclaim precious hours, here are five practical time-saving…

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Fostering Dynamic Discussions: 7 Strategies to Boost Classroom Engagement

Creating an environment where students actively participate in discussions can transform your classroom into a vibrant learning community. When discussions are lively, students are more engaged, critical thinking is stimulated, and deeper learning occurs. If you’re looking to elevate the level of discussion in your classroom, here are seven effective strategies to consider: 1. Create a Safe and Inclusive Environment…

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teacher's lounge

Transform Your Teacher’s Lounge With These 10 New Ideas

Tired of your boring old teacher’s lounge? Is your teacher’s lounge just a dumping ground for unused items in your school? It shouldn’t be! The teacher’s lounge is a great place for teacher’s to be able to relax and connect with others. If it is beautiful and inviting they will want to spend time there. Utilize your teacher’s lounge space…

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teacher with excited students

Back to School Series: Building Rapport With Students

Building relationships with your students and between students is one of the most important things you can you to improve learning and behaviors in your classroom. Research has proven that students need real connections with adults in their life in order to thrive. Here are some ways you can begin building rapport with students this year. Share Things About Your…

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Back to School Series: Make Rules and Routines Fun

It’s the beginning of a new year. Many students burst out of bed, excited for what the first day of school will hold. They are excited to see who’s in their class, find out what kind of teacher you are, and leave their parents (or babysitters) behind. Then, they enter the classroom and the typical teacher spends the first couple…

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Illiminate 90% of Discipline Problems

Back to School Series: My Favorite Classroom Management Systems

Every teacher needs some kind of classroom management system. You might already have something in place school-wide but you need something of your own too. You might even rotate different management systems throughout the year. There have been a few years when I had a very challenging or talkative class. I found myself having to change my classroom management system…

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10 Ways to Support Structured Inquiry in Your Classroom

Inquiry-based teaching is a pedagogical approach where rather than the teacher directly teaching academic content, he or she invites students to explore the topic by posing, investigating, and answering questions. There are several types of inquiry-based learning that range from very structured to completely open and driven by the student. In my post how to plan for inquiry-based learning I…

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