These days it’s so easy to go online and quickly print off a worksheet for your students to complete. Sometimes though you can be guilty of worksheet overload! Check out these fun ideas below for how you can use the same printed worksheet but add a lot more engagement, fun and movement to it.
Everybody Knows (Numbered Heads Together)
Number students in a group either 1,2,3, or 4. Ask a question from the worksheet (you can also display it on the board) and each group works together to find the answer. Teams should ensure every person on the team understands the reasoning behind the answer. Next, the teacher randomly calls out a number between 1 and 4. The person on each team whose number was called writes his or her answer on an individual dry erase board (or sheet of paper). Team members can NOT help in any way, or they will lose a point. Tell students to hold up his or her board/paper and show the answer. Award and record points on the board for each team that got it correct. The team with the most points wins.
Pair Rotation
Group students into pairs, and have them place their desks together in a way that forms a large circle in the classroom (or clearly-defined rows.) Pass out the worksheet you want students to complete and have each person in the pair choose to be Partner 1 or Partner 2. Set a timer for an appropriate amount of time for each pair to complete the first question or problem in the assignment, then sound a signal to let all the Partner 2’s know to move one seat down the row or clockwise while the Partner 1s stay in place. The new partnerships then work together to solve the next problem. Halfway through the assignment, announce that students should switch roles, and now the Partner 1s will rotate while the Partner 2s stay in place.
Board Races
Divide the class into teams (usually at least 4 teams so that they are not too big). The teacher holds a copy of the worksheet. The first person on each of the teams comes to the board at the front of the room. The teacher tells the students what the question is and the learners at the board answer it on their own on the board. When time is up, the teacher awards team points for each student who got the correct answer. Students return to their seats and the next player on each team comes to the board.
Scavenger Hunt
Print out a worksheet and cut apart each question. Randomly number the pieces with a marker.
Next, tape each piece/question on the wall around the room. Provide each student with a copy of the answer sheet and they need to go find which question around the room goes with each answer on the answer sheet. They will write the number of the piece on their answer sheet.
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