Ways to Raise Student Achievement Through Goal-Setting

Goals can be a powerful motivator and tool for accountability. Several different years when I was teaching and preparing my students for external exams or just trying to motivate low performers, I asked each student to come up with a goal (a percentage) that they wanted to hit in the subject. I tried to steer them to set a goal…

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Is This Discipline Or Just Punishment?

It’s impossible to be a teacher or administrator and not have to discipline students. What should discipline look like though? I taught for seven years in Africa. There, it’s still common practice to hit students with a stick when they are misbehaving. Is that discipline? How about having students kneel beside their desk or stand in the back of the…

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How To Develop Yourself Into a Better Teacher

Teachers have an innate desire to learn and grow. We are always poking around on the internet for new ideas to use in our teaching. Pinterest has become some teachers closest friend. But, how do you really become a better a teacher? In most other professions employees regularly see other’s work, have their work reviewed and collaborate in teams with others…

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